As 3 Blue Steppers took down the 4 foot tall panels in the Manchester Central Convention Centre, we were able to breathe a sign of relief; the NHS Health & Care Innovation Expo went pretty smoothly (despite a few minor bumps in the road & a case of food poisoning).
We spent a fair few fun filled hours planning the creative, organising bits & bobs then making the journey from Northampton to Manchester & back, so we thought we would share a photo blog with you so you can see the kind of stuff we got up to over our 3 days up north.
After Becca had finished her designs for the 8 panels, we sent these to Studio 1, a great local printer who were kind enough to let us go down and take a look at our work being created in the flesh (it was ply board really).
It was a tense moment as we waited for the printers to churn out the boards.
After we loaded up the van with the panels and a mountain of sweets for the journey, we headed up the M6 towards Manchester, taking a few wrong turns on the way. When it came to the team putting up the panels, there were no tantrums or tears and we set up our spot in the convention with success.

Day 1
The team were up bright & early, coffee in hand ready for a day of networking & expo fun. Christy looking enthusiastic outside Manchester Central.
Here’s the team on day 1, looking fresh-faced on the stand.
The girls took a little time off the stand to nosey around the centre; get involved with a few of the exhibitions and trial some of the products on show.
The girls dropped by a shoebox which housed The Empathy Museums’ exhibition ‘A Mile in my Shoes’, read more about it here:
The colourful Camp Expo space saw the walls illustrated with visual answers to one central question: “What is your dream for a healthy nation?”.
The team were able to catch the choir sing some pretty moving songs & were given some lovely cupcakes by the event organisers.
Maybe the girls had one too many sweets… sugar high much?
After a good sleep and were ready to rock & roll again for day 2.
If you saw any of the Healthcare team over the course of the two days, why not drop us a line. We would love to hear from you and find out how you found the expo.